Developing Diagonal Deceleration Strength

Developing Diagonal Deceleration Strength

Tennis is an explosive sport, requiring players to react to emergencies with multidirectional movement through multiple planes for short bursts of time. Movements in tennis include lateral and linear motion, twisting, sliding and dynamic acceleration and deceleration...
Can’t I just be a girl?

Can’t I just be a girl?

It’s so hard for girls to be girls sometimes. The pressure to perform like boys is instilled by parents, coaches and boys. Fathers born with a girl often say, I was hoping for a boy who would play tennis. Coaches often compare girls ‘lack’ of skill to the skill they...
8 keys to Mentally Tough Tennis

8 keys to Mentally Tough Tennis

“Mental toughness” is a phrase that is commonly used in all sports to describe the superior mental qualities of the competitor. Most elite athletes report that at least 50% of superior athletic performance is the result of mental or psychological factors, and a...